Our Audios
To help pilots or controllers or aviation enthusiasts, we have set standards in our audios with specific goals. The audios are supposed to be clear, of at least 30 radio transmissions and with interesting content, so our customers can understand and learn. In addition, our audios have been edited to ensure the proper quality and length.
We have a variety of audios from all stages of flight in various places. Each week we are adding new material so keep visiting Aviation Listeners.com.
Our transcripts contain what we believe is a 100% what the pilots and controllers said. We also make recommendations based on our experience.
Please note that each country may have different procedures or phraseology that may differ from our suggestions. Aviation Listeners.com is, therefore, not responsible of any damages incurred from one of our audios, exercises, transcripts or any material in our website.
About Us
Aviation Listeners is a small group of Air Traffic Controllers, Airline Pilots, and Web Programmers/Designers. Together, we share a common goal which is helping others improve their communication skills, hence, contributing to Aviation Safety.

Personal Experiences (SELF)
Personal experiences audios are audios recorded directly from the flight deck. These audios have also been edited (to prevent legal action from the airline) and shortened to increase the efficiency of our exercises. If you want to share your audio with us, please send us your audio to aviationlisteners@gmaill.com